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Restoration Design


Masonry Restoration

Narberth Community Building

Narberth, PA

The Narberth Community Building is a local landmark in the Borough of Narberth, housing the borough library as well as a chapter of the American Legion and a meeting room for local groups.  Located adjacent to a heavily used playground and ball fields, the building is at the center of community life in the borough. 


The goal of the project was to make the exterior masonry envelope sound and water tight.  sbk + partners, LLC surveyed the building and provided construction documents and construction observation for extensive repointing of the stone foundation and brick masonry walls.  Appropriate repointing mortars were developed collaboratively between sbk and the selected contractor, and approved by the borough Building Committee. 


Reconstruction of a failed window lintel discovered during the survey was coordinated with Keast & Hood Company structural engineers.  All work was designed and executed in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Buildings.

Copyright 2015 sbk + partners, LLC  610-357-9763

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